messy mess
6:24 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The jukebox plays my song:
"Sandy" {eng}
John Travolta

NB: outfit only suitable for sitting beside the fireplace in your own home. xD
Many show their best outfit for the day. I want to show you one of my ragged, worst but utterly delightful to wear - warm and comfortable - much needed in the dawning days of Winter. I think this outfit shows how I feel at the moment. ^^ Somewhat disorganised, disorientated and perhaps slightly displaced?
Yeps, you name it - it's the stress, the mighty workload, the three hour sleeps a day... and yes, the m essiness in me. Oh!! - the wretchedness of uni!
Bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh....BLEH!! =P
the mess, partly cleaned - somewhat aesthetically pleasing at the same time. . .

This is all I have to share right now. =p Not much I know but aye yi yi, I've been stuck at home behind closed wooden blinds, listening to the pitter pattering of rain all week long... (o'.'o)
Hope you sweetie-pies are in better conditions than me! ^-^
Lots of love, Cotton Candy. Labels: she wears, the private world, uni
digital delight!!
6:20 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The jukebox plays my song:"迷 (Me)" {cpop}Super Junior-MLadies and Gentlemen(?? I don't think I attract male readers much...such a shame...), look what I have here!!!

Say a happy hello to my new lover!!!
He's actually blue but since he can't take a picture of himself and he just won't let me take a picture of him, I had to resort to other methods... a la googling. =p (Oh...I'm so lame...=.=")
But oh, I'm so happy!!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY ME!! Now, my blog can truly get back to business
as it once was before my sister had hit the beach and got a whipping out of my temperamental wrath (I'm not quite sure whether that makes sense but it sounds so poetic, no?
"temperamental wrath"...I quite like it. lol xD).
I'm sure we'll have plenty of fond and happy memories together, my dear friend.
we'll capture my loves and hates, my happies and sads... my oh my!
And oh!! Together, we must celebrate!
To celebrate, let me start becoming vain once more... xD

Hope you lovely sweeties are feeling as happy and joyful!!
Lots of love, Cotton Candy. Labels: she wears, the private world
love not hate
6:43 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
The jukebox plays my song:"가져가 (Take It)" {kpop}Wonder GirlsYayes to finishing an essay!!! And yayes to having time to blog before more people enter my blog and view
a somewhat depressing post... =p Everything's going fine - *touches wood*. lol. I've been in a happy mood for the last two days. It must be all the chocolate (
m&m's go crunch crunch crunch - lmao, I can be such an idiot! xD) and the thought of seeing
Carson Kressley and naked women again on Monday night 8:00pm. HAHAHAHA!! woot!! I have such a deep fascination for makeover shows - perhaps its the pleasure of seeing lovely clothes upon gorgeous persons (oh gosh, do I sound like a closet pevert?) and/or perhaps it's the idea that an "ugly" person can transform into a beautiful/handsome person with a touch of makeup, a snip of the hair and clothes that fit snugly and magnificently upon one's body. Oh yes, it's a wonderful feeling. Such shows like
How to Look Good Naked,
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (why did it get axed????!!!!) and
Trinny & Susannah - they're my Gods and Goddesses; yes they are. *smiles* ^-^
Speaking about transformations and change, these images that I am about to post will definitely question you to think about all things and issues in relation to the continuous changing attitudes and beliefs towards racism, prejudice, discrimination and identity...?? I've been studying visual images lately and my every-cool but somewhat intimidating lecturer introduced me to these wonderful, fabolous and mind-boggling advertisements for the clothing brand:
United Colours of Benneton? Have you ever heard of the brand before? Perhaps you've seen these advertisements before. At first I thought, what relevance does this have to do with clothes? What issues are being raised up? What do you think they're trying to say?

I'll leave the questions unanswered because I think that the answers will depend on your perception, belief and values.
And on a sidenote, with the Beijing Olympics coming up, I hope people will stop commenting and making racist remarks towards my ethnicity and towards my family's country. Every country has its positives and negatives. Every person is different. But this does not mean that judgement should be made in terms of stereotypes, skin colour, culture, language, religion, values and ways of living and viewing the world. SAY NO TO RACISM.
Labels: inspired, snapshot, the private world
7:37 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The jukebox plays my song:
"I stay in love" {eng}Mariah CareyIt's been a real rough and tough two weeks. Mum went to hospital all of a sudden last Monday night because there was an abornormality with one of her arteries connected to the heart. Fortunately, her surgery was successful and I would like to thank all my friends who have been praying for my mum and my family. Thank you. I wouldn't know what I would of done without your support and love. I remember being so stressed and feeling sick and awful at thought of mum lying in the hospital late at night all by herself, between those horrible thin white sheets, with plugs and cables linked to her chest, her arms, her fingers...*shudders*
It's funny how one's heart and mind works - you often think that most horrible things and situations are impossible to occur in your life and when something horrible does happen, every litte thing seems to rush by in a blur and all you do is just stand there - unblinking, motionless and cold... And then when you finally have the energy to press pause on the remote button, you just feel even more muddled and confused. So you press play again, then pause, and then play once more - your heart skips a beat or maybe a few, and then...and then...and then?
And then you put up a strong front until you hit your head on your pillow and cry...
*** *** ***
Mum's back at home, healthy and happy.
Yahoooo!!! =D
I'm tired.
But I feel good. Real good.
I'm real lucky. I feel blessed.
Promise me one thing, my darling readers - it's Mothers' Day this Sunday, give her all your love and let's all shout:
Mum, I love you!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love, Cotton Candy.Labels: the private world