The jukebox plays my song:
"I apologize" {eng}
Urk...Unfortunately I've been really sick last week and still feeling the blues, from a terrible cold on Monday afternoon to a high-fever yesterday night. ><" Oh the blues! And with grandpa in hospital still unconcious after surgery, things just don't seem to be going too well at the moment... And the most worrying thing is my mum's health as she's been so tired and stressed lately from running to and fro; trying to take care of everyone in the family. I feel so grateful for my mum in every way and it's at times like these when you realise how special a person is. =] So I'm telling myself to get better real soon.
Well, I'm optimistic and hope things will be better before Christmas. ^^
And so you're wondering why on earth am I blogging if my terrible headache is torturing me and if my face is flushing bright pink right now. lol. Well, I've been sleeping for practically 5 days straight and although still quite tired, I'm itching to do something. So here I am taking advantage of my cousin's laptop (while she's here) and lying flat on my bed typing away whilst trying to catch up with the continuous spinning of the world. =D And lol, I had begun this post at 2:27 pm but I ended up falling alseep and here I am again at 5:48 pm. Supposedly, as my cousin said, she had to save her laptop before I dribbled on the keyboard. But I don't think I drool when I'm asleep. . . do I?...
But I say, you can't blame me for drooling when all I've been eating for the last few days is plain congee and a little bit of salt to make it taste better. That's right, congee for breakfast, lunch and dinner. ><" I'm craving for spice - something yummy and delicious to will satisfy my taste buds and boy, wouldn't I love to be
Katja Gruijters right now or perhaps even, Katja Gruijters' food taster.
Katja Gruijters is a food and drink designer. "She designs products, spots consumer trends and develops concepts for companies around human desires" and that one inevitable human desire is food! And oh, that's a huge desire I have now!!!

A series of edible Ander Kant: lace tiles made of chocolate, confetionery, shortbread and shortcrust pastry. MMM...Please, just decorate my kitchen with these tiles.

Pom de Friet. I have no idea what this food is apart from the fact that Pom is real Surinamese party food. But nevermind what it is, I'm ready to eat it especially when it looks like french fries in (ice cream) cones. How cute!! =D

Chrysanthemum tea in China. Violet ice cream in France. Add a these two to cherry blossoms and then a few handful of herbs such as rosemary and thyme and what do we get? Who says floweres aren't edible?

Katja made use of leftover Easter eggs to make these cookies with a marble-effect. Flavours: thyme, cranberry and ginger. Don't they just look gorgeous although I do have to say, my mum wouldn't be too pleased with me if I ate these whilst I am sick or even if I'm not sick. . .
And of course, fashion and design is inseparable. . .
Thus, the result is
Fashion Food. Eastern rolls, Dutch delights, Tuscany stripes and breadbags galore! Spots, stripes and checks are the new black.
Oh how my tummy craves for all these food and more!
That's it, I'm going to go eat a bowl of congee regardless if it's tasteless. xD And my eyes hurt real bad from staring at the computer screen so I'll shall end this post now.
Keep yourselves safe and warm. Try not to catch a cold!
Hugs and kisses, Cotton Candy.
Labels: inspired, makes my tummy rumble, the private world