The jukebox plays my song:"엉뚱한 상상 - irrelevant imagination" {kpop}Andy (ft. Yoo Bin of Wonder Girls)
First of all, before I say anything else, I would like to thank all the people for their best wishes to my grandpa's and my own health. Thank you so much. ^^ I think it is because of everyone's best wishes that I have gotten better and that my grandpa is somewhat-concious. He had finally opened his eyes on Monday and actually gave our family a big smile when he saw us. However, we're not sure whether he recognises us and he is still residing in the Intensive Care Unit and cannot talk. But it's a good start and I'm really happy. So thank you once again for all your best wishes.
And the best thing about getting better is of course, what else but the ability to eat solid, delicious food again!! Yes, no more plain tasteless watery congee! Instead, a banquet to feast upon - for afterall, it was my mum's birthday yesterday. But hush, I can't whisper a word about my mum's age for you see, one of the biggest no-no's is to ask about a woman's age, correct? =p Anyway, oh! There were so many yummy, yummy chinese food to eat but alas, I have no idea what they are called in english. One day, I will figure it out and tell you all. Trust me, chinese food isn't just fried rice - that's just plain boring. There's so much more to chinese food and oh! LOVE. But I forgot to take photos of the dishes. *slaps forehead* Next time, there's always next time. . . =D

Towards the end of the dinner, the rest of my family had laid down their chopsticks and as for I - I kept on eating. My sister said that I looked like a depressed girl comfort eating. Gosh, I wouldn't think of being depressed - I was totally overjoyed but yes, I think I understand. I just kept on eating and eating whilst the rest of the family kept on looking at me and chatting. lol. I'm so embarrassed at the thought of it now. I must have looked so...strange... lol, nevermind.
Meanwhile, it was just so pleasant to go outdoors and take some fresh air without being cooped up inside the house and to just go out to celebrate is even better, especially when you're going to a place with a lovely garden and a lovely interior. I was such a camwhore (please excuse my language ^.~) that night for who doesn't love fountains, waterfalls, flowers, huge sparking christmas trees, chinese lanterns and lovely oriental chinese decorations?? But for some strange reason, I always feel quite uncomfortable taking photos in a restaurant full of people - may it be photos of people, food, interior fittings and decorations - people do like staring, don't you think? lol. But I would stare too. lol! =p kekeke. And anyhow, I love taking photos and love being inspired by everything and anything, like interior designs.

And before we knew it, we (or should I say I?) had gobbled down all the food and back home we went to eat cake.

Hugs and Kisses, Cotton Candy.