The jukebox plays my song:
"Missin' You" {eng}
Trey Songz
It's the case of the "Oh no! I've chipped my nails!" Never have I really understood the horrific nature of this until two weeks ago when my nails seem to be chipping real easy and real bad. Somebody help me! ><" Sounds mighty shallow/vain but good gosh, there are so many reasons to why it's horrific:
it's painful when it chips down all the way to the pink bit of the nail (lol, is there a specific name for it??) (o'.'o)
it looks real bad
you can't brighten up and pretty your nails with nailpolish
when you're trying to wash your hair, your chipped nail gets in the way and everything just tangles up
you scratch yourself when you're asleep and when you're awake, you find yourself with one or two red marks across your face
lol. =D So as a desperate plea for help - any suggestions on effective hand & nail cream?
Anyhoo, to celebrate that I've finally finished my ed.psych essay (and I hope I never get the essay back) - I've been sitting here dreaming about dancing in long, pretty chiffon and silk dresses with my beautiful melodic prince: Fred Astaire; springing lightly across the meadow, in a delightful world of own... that is, after (politely) pushing Audrey Hepburn out of my way... xD Heh heh heh...
For those who haven't watched Funny Face, it's basically a story about bookstore clerk, Hepburn, becoming a muse for fashion photographer, Astaire. And of course, if it's set in Paris, there must be love... ^-^
He loves and she loves... and I love...

Bonjour Paris! Bonjour Paris!
This is one of the most classic and famous photographs of Audrey taken. And whoever thought of the concept (an answer which I'll be searching for) and brilliantly took the photograph, I give all my respects to him/her.
And speaking about Paris, I've been reading
WendyB's posts about her recent trip to France and good gosh, I want to be her
Fernando von Bankonstein!!

[^] Give me an emerald-coloured coat just like this one so I may parade it up and down the streets making the other girls green with envy. ^^

[^] I just love the timeless elegant look.

Oh! I just had to include a photo of the handsome Mr.Astaire. And the camera. I've been longing for one just like that . I wonder where I can find one? Do you know? If so, please tell me. =D I know they cost a fortune but I would say it would be a great investment, no?

Oh, if you've seen the movie or if you can look closely at thie pohto, Audrey's hair looks absolutely wonderful in here, especially to a girl (aka me) whose hair is tangled, brittle and just looking totally wrong 24/7. ><"
And it's a bit too early for me to think about my own wedding but if I was to wed my mister perfect, I would do so in this dress. It's gorgeous. How do you say beautiful in French?

And Audrey darling, tell me how to achieve a waist as tiny as yours. My waist is the size of a tree trunk - thick and straight with absolutely no curves.

S'wonderful, S' marvellous.
MMM...Someone please give me more nights like this where I can just lounge in my pj's and watch classic movies, without feeling guilty about procrastinating.
Lots of love, Cotton Candy.
Labels: films/dramas, flirtatious mind, i am the paparazzi,, music