The jukebox plays my song:
"Far Longer Than Forever" {eng}
Jeffrey Osbourne & Regina Belle
Now, I have a friend who would often criticise my heavy-money-wasting on magazines when most of it's just advertising prints. Now, magazines aren't money wasting are they?? No, I think definetly not. lol. But then again, my friend is not slightly interested in fashion - yes, would you believe it? - but she's awesome nonetheless. Well, I absolutely love fashion advertisements and that's part of the joy in magazines. I love scrutinizing every angle shot, each model's pose/stance, the layout, the set and of course, the styling of the clothes and accessories. Oh, fashion advertisements can be so wonderful. ^^ And the newest advertisement campaign of
Ports 1961 Spring/Summer 2008 collection is one of the most delightful with its inspiration coming from the beauty and style of
[^] I love the use of shadows in this photograph.
I first noted Ports 1961 whilst reading about their 'Organic Arts' Collection back in the October 2007 Issue of JESSICA. Their Organic Arts collection were pretty much comprised of accessories made from organic materials such as wood and cotton and my gosh, they were one of the most beautiful pieces I had seen. As you can see the photo above, the model is holding a wooden clutch - part of the Organic Arts collection - in her hands.
[^] I just adore this outfit - the whole outfit but unfortunately, to much of my dismay, I just can't imagine myself wearing this outfit at all unless I lose 30 kg and wear 10 inch heels to make my legs look slender and long. ><"
[^] There is something about this photograph - the bare landscape/background and the flow of the colours is just so lovely. The dress seems to blend in with the background and yet, there's this contrast to it where it stands out...gosh, I sound so contradicting , what am I thinking and how do I describe this feeling that I have of this photo?.... It's just a strong and beautiful photograph.
[^] It was the bright white of the outfit against the dark background that captured me. It just brings the outfit out and as I was staring at it, I noticed the splendor of the tree. Look at those carvings/work of nature (or digital tech) upon that tree.
[^] Isn't this outfit just so classic? Timeless? For some reason, I love her pose. It's got a flair to it.
[^] The capturing of the dress is terrific and such great use of lighting so that the dress just seems to glow and shine in such beautiful shades of gold! However, this photograph reminds me of another advertisement that I had seen before, I can't remember which brand it was but yeah, there's a familiarity to this photo and I don't think that's a good thing to have as it might seem copy-cat...
[^] Often, I find myself attracted to eccentric photographs but I found this set quite simple, natural and ultimately, exotic which is what I liked about this collection of photos.
I wanted to say so much about these sets of photos; what impressions they give me, the feelings but as you know, I'm terrible with words for I just don't seem to know how express myself unless it's via photos/images. So once again, I'm just going to let the photographs speak for themselves. ^^ Meanwhile, there's more to this set of photos so check out the site if you wish. They're beautiful captures.
Lots of love, Cotton Candy.
Labels: inspired, snapshot, they wear