The jukebox plays my song:"Someday We'll Know" {eng}Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman
Ah yes, I'm afraid it has been quite awhile since I've blogged and forgive me as sudden headaches to sleeping over at my cousin's house for a few days and to long days of going out and about has tired me so - eg slept at 6:00am yesterday night (this morning?) and woke up at 7:30am this morning (and I dreamt about Rhett Butler in that one & a half hour of sleep - tis true)...
And unfortunately, I've been heartbroken and terribly angry because my sister, the ever so clumsy (and annoying) sister, has broken my camera when she smashed it against the ground....Oh, what to do now??? *cries* OH!! SHE PISSED ME OFF REAL BAD!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I think I can swear all day and night but I musn't, no, not on this blog... *screams!!!!*
There were so many photos that I wanted to take such as the Chinese New Year Markets, the parties out at night with such lovely views, friends and family, gorgeous flowers that have been blooming, outfits and oh, just about everything!! My dear camera which has shared so many memories with me...
Oh dear...
But Key & Indi has cheered me up so very much and has absolutely made my day by awarding me with the 'You Make My Day Award'. Thank you guys so much!! So very, very sweet! ^^ I'm pretty sure that I'm meant to tag other blogees for this award but for awhile, I'm going to be selfish and keep the award to myself!! xD HAHAHAHA!! No, I'm not that horrible and mean but I'll have to tag the very beautiful blogees in my next post due to unbeknown reasons why I can't seem to view some blogs at the moment. ^^
...Well...Let me go on with the post and share a few photos with you before my camera died a horrible death...
I had promised told myself at the beginning of the year that I would learn how to cook and Monday was meant to be a day of achieving part of this resolution ... Monday had been a public holiday to rejoice Australia Day and was spent at the house of my two cousins who are left with freedom as their folks are out of town. And so that left us five girls to spend the day as we liked - relaxed, slow and relaxed and plenty of snacking.
I must admit that when I made such a resolution to learn to cook, I was thinking of cooking "proper foods", not exactly the "junk/fast food" that I have been making quite recently. LOL. And so I learnt yesterday that Lebanese bread can be used in place of a dough base... in which something along the lines of Hawaiian Pizza and/or kebab wrap were made. Ahahaha!! xD And of course, being lazy as we were, there were plenty of "already-made-food-bought-from-shops" to snack on - and mmm, one of my favourites - pretzels! Yum yum yum!! And all done in front of a television the whole day.
It is usually the case where movies were watched at night with a bowl of popcorn in on our laps. Instead, in broad daylight, the curtains were closed and doors were shut, cushions poofed and plumped and whoa-la, a splendid cinema. =D .
Time went by and we girls found ourselves with our backs sore and really, just aching all over. Is it possible? And so a quick dip in the pool...well really, my feet dipped into the pool for ...oh gosh, I'm just horribly lazy...
And so that was it. It was lazy day and perfectly suited for me.
And my, it has been long since I posted up an entry based on my own whimsical snapshots...^^
Lots of love, Cotton Candy.Labels: out and about, she wears, the private world